Success Stories


We trusted Nancy to sell our home in Kremmling, and we are happy we chose her. She went above and beyond, even painting the exterior fascia and trim to get us to the closing table on time!


Nancy is an amazing person to work with. She helped us sell our rental complex and she went over and above for us! We are now getting ready to sell our home, so can’t wait to work with her again. 😁


Nancy is a top notch realtor in so many ways. She has extensive knowledge of and connections in Grand County which means you will have all of those benefits working for your sale or purchase. She is more thorough and able to anticipate needs better than any realtor with whom I’ve ever worked. This means client service above and beyond what you expect. It’s a pleasure to recommend Nancy!

David and Lisa

Nancy helped us find a perfect home in Fraser and was incredibly responsive, flexible, helpful and easy to work with. We highly recommend Nancy to anyone considering a property purchase in the area. You won't be disappointed!

Work With John

Get assistance in determining current property value, crafting a competitive offer, writing and negotiating a contract, and much more. Contact me today.

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